Go Muyi.....it's your birthday!

People of God......come and join me sing hallelujah, where do i start my thanksgiving o?

How do I begin to count my blessings?

Some years back a baby boy was  born to non-virgin Mary, who already had two kids. Her joy was full and breasts engorged, ready to feed that young body of mine.  From those tiny days to this day, God has been faithful.

I remember how some family and friends said my head was big, tossing my "ogo" at every opportunity they got. From those days of disproportionate head to body size, to this very proportional days, God has been  faithful.

I absolutely remember the day I set my foot in boarding house in 1994, the puppy look on my face when my proprietress -whom I feared so much- yelled at me, to return to my bunk, stopping me from waving goodbye to my mum who just dropped me off at the hostel. My Pillow was bleeding tears by morning. From that yell to this day, God has been faithful.

How can I forget the first time I got infatuation mixed up for love, senior class got me tripping. chai! puberty is not beans o. From those days of butterflies in my tommy to finding my proverbs 31 woman,  God has been faithful.

Abeg how could I forget my years in medical school, for those 8 birthdays I celebrated engrossed in medicine, to this day when I strive to be one of the best in the profession. God is still faithful.

From my very first breath to this present hour, God is faithful to HIs promises concerning me and I am forever thankful. Happy birthday to me.

Kindly drop your comment on what you know about me and share with those I might have met in this journey of life.


  1. Happy birthday Opait Baba. May your days be long bro. More fruitful years ahead. Soon you will have your own child that you can also nurture. Cheers mate!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nicely written. Nice and diligent at what you do: that's what I remember you as. May you celebrate many more years to come with your wife and children. Cheers.


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