In the last days....last days as a house officer (may 2014)

What started as a fresh graduate of medicine walking into the four walls of a teaching hospital in Nigeria, is about coming to an end. This process has led to the production of a medical officer......produced by a system that leaves more to be begged for.

My write up about the Nigerian health sector would definitely be for another day *sadface*, today i'll be talking about something entirely different and strange to me.

I'm sure a lot of my colleagues are used to this, but for me, this is totally new.

Pediatrics happened to be my last posting during my 1yr internship period and I went into it with all the zeal i got left.Well,  a patient's mother decided to go beyond liking the way I work to liking the way I talk and then liking the way I walk *if u know what I mean*. 
The symbol of my calling.

On discharge of her "pikin" (kid) she decided to put a letter into my hands, the note I received gave me a brief epistle of her past history with men...... How she likes me as a person..... How she ain't asking me to be her lover *see gobe*.. *clearsthroat* and ending with what do I think? What do I think?!  "madam you are married" I thought to myself,  with two kids sef.

For the remaining part of the 24hrS prior to her going home with her ward,  I avoided her like a plague.  My attempt to evade her and "jejely " drive home was aborted when I sighted her on my way out of the hospital....... To be continued....


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