
Showing posts from November, 2014

Wow! Not posted anything in year.

     My good Lord! Life can't be this boring that i have not shared a single post on my blog in a year, On the contrary, it's been a very eventful one year for me and mine or is it me and mines's? *the English tire me*. What a great privilege to be alive and well "no be my power o...." God has been just too faithful. Within this year, i'm -Married to my bestfriend -Done with my medical internship -Serving my country in the state of my choice *didn't want to serve sha* I feel too old for service thanks to spending 9yrs in medical school. You have to be lucky to see a pic of me wearing the uniform. Moving on. -I'm thankful that my 1st nephew and numerous 2nd cousins came to the world within this same year. What are you thankful for? feel free to share with moi.....catch ya.

In the last days....last days as a house officer (may 2014)

What started as a fresh graduate of medicine walking into the four walls of a teaching hospital in Nigeria, is about coming to an end. This process has led to the production of a medical officer......produced by a system that leaves more to be begged for. My write up about the Nigerian health sector would definitely be for another day * sadface *, today i'll be talking about something entirely different and strange to me. I'm sure a lot of my colleagues are used to this, but for me, this is totally new. Pediatrics happened to be my last posting during my 1yr internship period and I went into it with all the zeal i got left.Well,  a patient's mother decided to go beyond liking the way I work to liking the way I talk and then liking the way I walk *if u know what I mean*.  The symbol of my calling. On discharge of her "pikin" (kid) she decided to put a letter into my hands, the note I received gave me a brief epistle of her past history with men....