
Showing posts from 2010

A Rat and I

All day for the thief and one day for the owner is a statement that has gone round the world and back. Life has a way of teaching us lessons and today is one of the days life chose to seat me down. A street rat found it’s way into our age beaten house about five days ago and some how found a way of coming in and going out. As typical of all rats, it prides itself in not being seen and faster than the human feet can run. Yesterday she (on genital examination) found her way into our bathroom- I wonder what she was up too. My little cousin on sighting this street villain yelled for help, the village boy in me jumped up to the rescue. On getting to the location where the suspect was the urban boy had fully taken control; I joined my cousin to call for help (imagine that!). One of my cousins who is definitely an animal war veteran came with a stick to destroy our common enemy. He reassured us and told us to follow his plan. This urban boy took the stick and wiggled out t...

Nigerian Couple Gives Birth To White Baby

Interesting is an understatement. A Nigerian couple living in London gave birth to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white baby girl. The baby is not albino and fidelity has nothing to do with the baby's complexion. Genetics at Oxford University and Britain’s leading expert yesterday called the birth “extraordinary." He said, “In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child – and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents." He continued, “This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing.” Professor Sykes said both parents would have needed “some form of white ancestry” for a pale version of their genes to be passed on. But he added: “The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don’t have blonde hair like this at birth.” The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation. He admitted, “The rules of genetic...

Finding someone to marry

Prov 18:22 One of the most important decisions a person will make is the choice of a life partner. Wisdom, not money, is the principal requirement for building a home. If you are looking for the right mate, become the right mate! Prayerfully create a hypothetical picture of the future of your future and work towards becoming the person in that picture. You are the most important factor in that picture because because you are the magnet that will attract the vision. Wisdom is synonymous with maturity, and maturity is a major requirement for marriage. Maturity will help you recognize the right person. Drawing a cue from Jesus' life as recorded in Luke 2:52, maturity is needed in four fundamental areas. And Jesus increased in wisdom (mental development) and stature (physical development) and in favor with God (spiritual development). Marriage ought to be a union between two mature people, mature in the four fundamental areas. Firstly, spiritual maturity is needed before getti...

Arise o sleeping Maggots.

Once again my creative abilities is called to the alter to answer the father. I bet no one laid his hands on our re branded "sleeping maggots" and if anyone did; what a waste of the anointing oil. God gave us brains so we humans can allow him some rest; believing that we would use such limitless arsenal of neurons to further His course here on earth. Which includes planning, preparing and perseverance blended with prayers, causing men to give glory to His name. Take a good look at our super eagles, sorry( I beg for forgiveness once again), the "sleeping maggots". When things like failure happen, the natural thing to do is to seat back and access the things we did to cause our failure. Our footballers have been failing for years, with breadwinners developing heartaches and sudden onset of essential hypertension. When did the eagles camp open? How many months did the players play as a team? How many months before the world cup did we get a coach? How did we ...

Nigeria.....hope beyond hope.

saw this picture on facebook and decided to share it. The picture speaks for itself.